In project three, I would like to continue creating digital paintings with collage aspects that explore playfulness and color. In doing this, I want to explore creating forms that are abstracted and play into a visual storybook of the nostalgia in creating works that are centered on the creativity of form.
In looking for ideas that explore this collision of color and playful abstraction, I came across Tauba Auerbach, who uses color in a way that creates texture, movement, and visually dynamic images. In playing with monochromatic illusions, I love how her work illuminates the patterns within her forms.
For the majority of this project, I plan on using photoshop to digital paint and cut out collage forms. If I were to describe this project in three words or less, I would say colorful playfulness. In project three, I’m hoping to explore pieces that incorporate my interest in abstract and my love for drawing colorful forms.