In project two, I was trying to focus on abstraction with the use of digital painting and collage. After a few bumps in the road, in the form of trying to create a piece centered around time, that felt cliche and overused (along with my computer crashing on the home stretch), I decided to try and focus on trying something new.
By using shapes that appear almost marker like, with thick lines, I was trying to draw on the forms I typically sketch. In this project, I found inspiration in both Keith Haring’s and Eric Carle’s work, which feel playful and fun. In using digital painting, I was trying to create more movement and bring my interest in abstract painting into the digital realm. In my free time, I typically create abstract drawings that are filled with unusual shapes, a vibrant array of colors, and texture. By using collage and painting, I feel that I was able to create pieces that not only bring color and abstraction to the forefront, but also incorporate a sense of texture.
Despite this being my first time trying digital painting, I do feel that I was able to gain valuable experience in the patience it takes to make work in this realm. In the future, I hope to be able to incorporate more of my own collage and digital painting together in a way that combines the texture of my drawings with the smoothness of digital painting. After finishing this project, I know that I want to continue trying my hand at the world of digital painting.