In project one, my concept focused on environmental degradation specifically through the lens of pollution. By showing pollution in many different forms, such as water, air, land, and the impact on human bodies, I feel that I was able to show the broad scope of environmental degradation.
Through digital collage with glitch effects, I was able to show how drastic environmental beauty contrasts the negative impacts of pollution. By using layers and giving images the illusion that they are analogue collages, I’m able to show two contrasting narratives, one of the natural splendor of nature and the other an environmentally degraded vision of nature in the future.
I chose to only glitch the forms that depicted environmental beauty free of pollution and development to show how glitched or destroyed these areas will/have become if humans continue their negative actions. By displaying a mouth in one of the collages, I am able to show the plastic that has polluted the water supply and food chain, which leads to human’s ingesting the plastic. I decide to make a play on the "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute," with "Who Gives a Hoot, Pollute," to create a advertisement of what development and pollution accurately look like.
While I had worked with the programs used for this project and made digital collages before, I wanted to branch out of my comfort zone and try new layering techniques. In experimenting with this project, I ended up making over twelve collages, but in the end I felt that only eight truly reflected the message I wanted to convey.
Project One Images: