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Artist Bio

Hi everyone! My name is Kendall Healy, and I am a freshman at University of Colorado Boulder studying studio art. I’m from Atlanta, GA, but I currently live in Boulder, CO with my family, and our three dogs and two cats.

I first became interested in digital art in middle school, when I started looking on instagram at @brittneypanda and @savannnnnnh. I fell in love with the way they created surrealist pictures through the use of Photoshop, which led me to buy my first camera. I have taken thousands of pictures and drawn hundreds of surrealist pictures, and through the artistic process I feel that it has allowed me to create a polished technique.

A photo by @brittneypanda

A photo by @savannnnnh

I find inspiration for my art from almost everything, including conversations, the news, and flowers. Whenever I experience a creative rut, I turn to Jean-Michel Basquiat’s work, because he used art to educate and inform the population of corruption. I try not to focus on every minute detail, and instead focus on the big picture message I am trying to get across in my work. I have no formal art training, but growing up my mom and I were always creating, everything from headboards to paintings. I supplemented my artistic education with the use of Youtube, and online tutorials.

"Eyes and Eggs" by Jean-Michel Basquiat

I predominantly take pictures, and my art focuses on the collision of technology and nature. My art tries to expose that technology and the factories that create the latest iPhone or Macbook are leading to the destruction of the natural world. While the iPhones in our pockets are considered “outdated” within a year, nature is always in style. I use shadows, light, and contrast to create a good and evil dichotomy, with industrial plants and telephone wires in the background shadows, and nature in focus with the sun shining. My hope in creating art is to create pieces that are aesthetically beautiful and mentally stimulating, that will tell a story with visual symbolism.

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